Optimizing Your CI/CD Pipeline with 'npm ci' and Essential Flags

- 4 mins

When running npm ci in a continuous integration (CI) environment, the focus is on speed, reliability, and minimizing distractions. In this post, we’ll explore the benefits of using the --no-audit --no-fund --loglevel=error flags with npm ci, and how these options can help streamline your CI/CD workflows.

Understanding npm ci

Before diving into the flags, let’s briefly review what npm ci does:

While npm ci is already a great choice for CI environments, adding specific flags can further enhance its utility.

Benefits of Using --no-audit --no-fund --loglevel=error

1. --no-audit: Skipping the Security Audit

The --no-audit flag skips the security audit step during installation. While security audits are crucial for detecting vulnerabilities, they are not always necessary during every CI run, especially if your project has a regular security review process in place. Here’s why skipping the audit can be beneficial in CI:

npm ci --no-audit

2. --no-fund: Disabling Funding Messages

The --no-fund flag disables messages about funding dependencies. While supporting open-source projects is important, CI logs are typically not the place for such messages. Here’s how this flag helps:

npm ci --no-audit --no-fund

3. --loglevel=error: Only Show Errors

The --loglevel=error flag ensures that only errors are logged during the npm ci process. This is particularly useful in CI environments where you want to minimize noise and focus on critical issues. Benefits include:

npm ci --no-audit --no-fund --loglevel=error

Bringing It All Together

Combining these flags with npm ci in your CI/CD pipeline optimizes the installation process by focusing on what’s essential for a successful build. Here’s the command in its entirety:

npm ci --no-audit --no-fund --loglevel=error

Practical Example: Using the Command in GitHub Actions

To see how this can be implemented in a CI workflow, let’s consider an example using GitHub Actions. Here’s a snippet of a GitHub Actions workflow file that uses npm ci with the flags:

name: CI

on: [push, pull_request]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - name: Checkout code
      uses: actions/checkout@v3

    - name: Set up Node.js
      uses: actions/setup-node@v3

    - name: Install dependencies
      run: npm ci --no-audit --no-fund --loglevel=error

    - name: Run tests
      run: npm test

In this example, the workflow installs dependencies using npm ci with the specified flags, ensuring a fast, clean, and focused installation process.


Using the --no-audit --no-fund --loglevel=error flags with npm ci in CI/CD pipelines can significantly improve the efficiency and clarity of your builds. By focusing on what matters and reducing noise, you can ensure your CI process is both faster and easier to maintain.

By adopting these practices, you’re not only streamlining your workflow but also aligning your CI/CD environment with best practices for modern development.

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